Thursday 13 June 2013

About the author

I'd like to say I've changed drastically, but aren't we always a slightly, hopefully, improved version of last years model? Like a Gameboy Pocket, or the fancy camera and printer additions that seemed so exotic 10 years ago and now kids have their own touchscreen laptops.

I think I'll make this into a little life blog. Periodically I'll be type-vomiting as much embarrassing teen angst as possible on here, and hoping nobody reads it for a couple of years, maybe by then I'll be laughing too.

So, update time: I dropped out of Uni and lied about it. Thats probably the biggest and dumbest thing I've ever done, and not something I'd reccommend to anyone ever in the history of humanity, past, present and future. If something isn't working for you, you must make a choice to stick it out or give up, but don't fool yourself. You know what is right, and you'll know when you made the wrong choice, but don't let anyone else force their expectations on you.

So I lived in Southsea for 18 months after quitting uni, working full time, telling some friends the truth, telling the rest many months later when I got drunk on a staff night out. Its become a bit of a joke really, my actual life and the life I projected. Now, I've moved back to my parents deep in the countryside. It isn't the worst but safe to say, I miss my independence. I have read articles about establishing an adult relationship with your parents if you have to move back 'home' but really, I'm not the talking type. So instead, I'm gradually reverting further into a teenage stereotype of dispair because 'I can't be myself' and its suffocating.

I have a full time job where I can progress career wise, they encourage individuality, and the people are truly fantastic.
I'm also an aspiring rollergirl, so every Tuesday I travel back to Portsmouth for 2 hours of recreational skating, and I spend far too much time trying to justify spending money on wheels and pads. Finally, I have found a sport I adore, with a homegrown ethic and a dash of punk. Plus I get to wear knee high socks and hotpants without anyone questioning my physique, win.

So now I could be classed as grown up, the plan is to move out, London or Hove, maybe down to Bristol or up North? I haven't thought that far ahead. 
What else? Is there anything else? Oh and I'll do a post on my heart woes very soon, because they are ACTUALLY LAUGHABLE.


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